The prairie amid the smoke

The prairie was hot and dry.

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Or, in the case of Bow City, on its bank. This tiny town of only about a dozen houses sits on the north bank of the river. And it the last or maybe the first outpost in irrigation country.

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And the sunflowers. I came across the first field not far canada goose black friday sale from Bow City pretty sure that where the blackbirds had taken off from and I just couldn help but stop and take some pictures. The flowers themselves were the size of my head and, even at my height of 186 cm a touch past 6 I could have stood in the shade of a lot of them. Shooting the Perseid meteor shower out by canada goose outlet black friday Dinosaur Park a couple of days before I seen thousands of wild sunflowers and in these giants I could see the family resemblance. A prairie native repurposed just for us.

That wasn the only field of them. Down the road was another and then over by Rainier, another. I stopped again at a fourth field to launch my little copter for an aerial view and it was there that I noticed that the amber light I been waiting for to add some extra colour to the native prairie was starting to move in. bonfires was starting to thicken.

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I thought about heading back to the grazing reserve to shoot the grasslands but as I drove down the road I spotted a family of cats on the roof of a Quonset. Really fat cats. With ringed tails and wearing black masks.

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I drove on. and the light was nearly orange as the smoke continued canada goose jacket outlet to roll in. The sky to the west was amber along the horizon and a soft dove grey above. The greens of the canola and corn took on a yellow tinge and the aerated water from the sprinklers turned a pearly white. Backlit droplets falling from the spray of the centre pivot systems looked like beads of copper.

I turned back toward Rainier and Bow City still hoping to catch the light on the native prairie. But more and more pictures presented themselves as I rolled along. Pasture grass turned gold and the wings of cowbirds flying among the grazing cattle caught the amber light. I just had to shoot aerials of the patterns in a freshly cut canada goose outlet toronto factory hay field. The sun turned into an orange above yet another sunflower field.

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