6 important questions Robert Mueller will want to ask President Trump
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Some have read this quote as an admission that Trump fired Comey because of Canada Goose sale Russia, but Trump doesn’t state it so plainly. bijoux personnalise coque samsung iphone xs case outlet He said Russia was on his mind, but he didn’t say that it was the reason he did it.
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Donald J. Given the tweet, though, it would seem fair game to ask Trump what he knew at buy canada goose jacket the time and why, if he didn’t know Flynn was under investigation, he would have even asked for leniency. coque iphone (Trump has denied asking for leniency for Flynn, of course, which would also be good to get on the record in order to compare it with what others have told investigators.)
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Trump previouslydenied that anybody in his campaign had contact with Russia. coque samsung iphone xr case on sales That has now completely fallen apart, so it’s worth asking again and seeing how much he changes canada goose uk outlet his statement. bijoux pas cher How much did Trump know about George Papadopoulos’s attempts to broker contact with the Russians? Or about Trump Jr.’s meeting beforehand? Or about Trump Jr.’s contacts with WikiLeaks.